Seconda Ministeriale europea per l’esplorazione spaziale

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Il logo di AstronautiNEWS. credit: Riccardo Rossi/ISAA

Giovedi 21 ottobre si riuniranno a Bruxelles i Ministri responsabili dei 29 stati membri dell’ESA e dei 27 paesi dell’Unione Europea per discutere della nuova “Vision for Space Exploration” e dei prossimi obiettivi che l’ESA vuole raggiungere.

Sarà questo il secondo grande meeting ministeriale sull’argomento, dopo che i lavori vennero iniziati lo scorso anno durante l’incontro di Praga.

La discussione verterà sui temi riguardanti le nuove tecnologie per l’accesso allo spazio, le infrastrutture in LEO (Low Earth Orbits), l’esplorazione umana e robotica del sistema solare, la discussione sui programmi delle altre Agenzie Spaziali e le opportunità di cooperazione.

Sarà possibile seguire in streaming l’evento a questo indirizzo:

Programma completo:

Opening Session:
– Mr Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council
– Ms Sabine Laruelle, Minister of Scientific Research, Belgian Presidency of the EU
– Mr Giuseppe Pizza, representing the Chair of the ESA Council at Ministerial level, State Undersecretary
– Mr. Antonio Tajani, Vice President of the European Commission
– Mr. Jean-Jacques Dordain, Director General of ESA

SESSION 1: Exploration Pillars
Introduction by the Chair of the Technical Steering Group, Mr. Frank De Winne

1.1 Future Enabling Technologies for Human and Robotic Exploration
Statements by Ministers followed by discussions
– Ms Valérie Pécresse , Minister for Higher Education and Science , France
– Ms Sabine Laruelle, Minister for S cience Policy, Belgium
– Mr Kryštof Hajn, 1st Vice Minister, Research and Higher Education section, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic
– Ms Grazyna Henclewska, Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Economy, Poland
– Mr David Williams, representing the Minister for Universities and Science, UK

1.2 Space Transportation
Statements followed by discussions
– Mr Daniel Neuenschwander, representing State Secretary for Education andResearch Mr Mauro Dell’Ambrogio , Switzerland
– Mr Pierre Decker, First Advisor of t he Government, Luxemburg
– Mr Bo Andersen, representing the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Norway

1.3 LEO Infrastructures and Space Exploration
Statements followed by discussions
– Mr Giuseppe Pizza, State Undersecretary, Ministry for Education, Universities and Research, Italy
– Mr Jozsef Györkös, Secretary of State, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Slovenia
– Mr Mikulas Supin, representing the Minister of Education, Slovak Republic
– Mr Olle Norberg, representing the Minister for Enterprise, Energy and Communications, Sweden

Priorities and Programmes of International Actors inSpace Exploration
Introductory speech by Chairperson: Giuseppe Pizza
Statements by Head of Delegations followed by discussions
– Mr Luc Brûlé, Director Exploration Development, Canadian Space Agency, Canada
– Ms Naoko Okamura, Counselor, Mission of Japan to the European Union
– Ms Laurie Leshin, Deputy Associate Administrator for Exploration Systems

International Cooperation and Partnerships
Co-chairmanship by EC and ESA

Arrival of H.R.H. Prince Philippe of Belgium

Conclusions and Closing Session
– Ms Sabine Laruelle, Belgian Presidency of the EU, Minister
– Mr Giuseppe Pizza, representing the Chair of the ESA Council at Ministerial level, State Undersecretary
– Mr Antonio Tajani, Vice President of the European Commission
– Mr Jean-Jacques Dordain, Director General of ESA

End of conference

Fonte: ESA

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Discutiamone su

Simone Montrasio

Appassionato di astronautica fin da bambino. Dopo studi e lavoro nel settore chimico industriale, per un decennio mi sono dedicato ad altro, per inserirmi infine nel settore dei materiali compositi anche per applicazioni aerospaziali. Collaboro felicemente con AstronautiNEWS dalla sua fondazione.