Assegnati i compiti ai centri NASA per il programma lunare

Il logo di AstronautiNEWS. credit: Riccardo Rossi/ISAA
Il logo di AstronautiNEWS. credit: Riccardo Rossi/ISAA

Sono stati assegnati oggi i compiti per il programma lunare della NASA, ai vari centri della NASA, allo stesso modo di come era avvenuto alcuni mesi fa per il programma Constellation.
Qui sotto l'elenco dei compiti relativi all'esplorazione lunare annunciati oggi (in rosso), che si vanno ad aggiungere a quelli già acquisiti con il programma Constellation.

Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, California

Manage Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite Project
Support exploration life support
Lead radiation dosimetry and medical sensor technology development
Support space human factors standards
Support International Space Station exploration experiment development
Lead piloted spacecraft handling qualities

Program integration:
Support for program planning and control including data systems support; safety, reliability and quality assurance; system engineering and integration; and test and evaluation

Mission operations:
Provide tools for flight controllers
Develop new applications for the Constellation training program
Support multiple mission operations planning and development tasks

Lead thermal protection system advanced development
Support: aero/aero-thermal database development
Support flight software and guidance, navigation and control

Ares I:
Lead integrated systems health management
Aborts lead including blast analysis for Ares abort
Lead for launch abort system software requirements, interface and verification; launch abort system flight instrumentation and health management
Provide high fidelity aero/aerothermal models and analysis and simulated assisted risk assessments

Work announced Oct. 30, 2007:
Support lunar architecture work for Constellation Program system engineer
Build mission operations simulation capabilities
Lead Ares V integrated health management
Support Ares V payload shroud development at NASA’s Glenn Research Center
Subsystem lead for lunar lander and lunar surface systems integrated health management
Support concepts for lunar surface extravehicular activity suit lock and concept trade studies for moon suit
Support lunar surface mobility
Support lunar in-situ resource utilization systems

Dryden Flight Research Center
Edwards, California

Support NASA’s Ames Research Center on piloted spacecraft handling qualities

Program integration:
Support test and evaluation

Ground operations:
Support definition and planning for Orion ground operations including launch abort and landing and recovery tests, re-entry and landing profiles, and range safety requirements

Lead abort flight test integration and operations
Abort test booster procurement
Flight test article and abort test booster integration
Flight test article design, assembly, integration and test
Independent analysis and oversight of flight test articles

Work announced Oct. 30, 2007:
Support mission operations simulation capabilities
Support ground and flight test operations for lunar projects

Glenn Research Center
Cleveland, Ohio

Lead cryogenic fluid handling, propulsion, fission power and energy storage projects Support exploration life support
Support exploration medical capability and exercise technologies development

Program integration:
Support for safety, reliability and quality assurance; system engineering and integration; and test and evaluation

Extravehicular activity systems:
Manage power and communications avionics informatics subsystems for low Earth orbit and lunar extravehicular activities
Support extravehicular activity systems power, avionics and software disciplines

Lead service module and spacecraft adapter integration
Produce service module and spacecraft adapter flight test articles and pathfinders
Support integration analysis and system engineering and integration
Vehicle environmental qualification at Plum Brook

Ares I:
Lead upper stage thrust vector control subsystem development
Lead upper stage electrical power and power distribution system development
Lead developmental flight instrumentation package
Support upper stage system engineering and integration
J-2X thermal and vacuum testing at Plum Brook
Support vehicle integrated design analysis
Lead upper stage module development for Ares I-X test flight

Work announced Oct. 30, 2007:
Support lunar architecture work for Constellation Program system engineer
Lead Ares V power, thrust vector control and payload shroud development
Lead Earth departure stage orbital environments testing at Plum Brook
Subsystem lead for lunar lander ascent stage propulsion; and ascent and descent stage power generation, management and energy storage systems
Lead lunar lander environmental testing at Plum Brook
Support for lunar lander project integration and descent stage propulsion subsystems
Lead lunar surface systems power generation and management, energy storage systems and element environmental testing
Subsystem lead for passive thermal systems and surface element communications
Support lunar surface in-situ resource systems and surface mobility systems

Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, Maryland

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Project management and integration

Program integration:
Support for safety, reliability and quality assurance; system engineering and integration; and test and evaluation

Communications and tracking support

Work announced Oct. 30, 2007:
Lead program requirements for unpressurized cargo carriers
Lead Orion unpressurized cargo carrier
Support lunar architecture work for Constellation Program system engineer
Subsystem lead for lunar lander avionics
Support lunar surface systems avionics and surface element communications
Provide extravehicular activity tools and equipment

Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, California

Navigation support for Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite
Lead Advanced Environmental Monitoring and Control Project

Program integration:
Support for safety, reliability and quality assurance; system engineering and integration; and test and evaluation

Mission operations:
Lead systems engineering process for mission operations development

Support thermal protection system advanced development

Work announced Oct. 30, 2007:
Support lunar architecture work for Constellation Program system engineer
Lunar lander project support including spacecraft design; guidance, navigation and control; life support systems, and avionics
Lead specific robotic surface mobility
Support environmental monitoring and control and surface system local element communications

Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas

Human Research Program management and integration
Commercial Orbital Transportation Services Project management and integration
Lead autonomous landing and hazard avoidance technology; in-situ resource utilization; thermal, surface and extravehicular activity systems, and life support projects

Program management and integration
Extravehicular activity systems project management and integration
Extravehicular activity hardware development including suit, vehicle interface, tools and ground support equipment
Manage life support, pressure garment and crew survival subsystems
Mission operations project management and integration including Mission Control Center and training and mockup facilities

Project management and integration
Lead crew module and vehicle integration, government-provided hardware, flight test execution and parachutes

For Ares I and Ares V:
Support program and mission operations interface

Work announced Oct. 30, 2007:
Lunar lander and lunar surface systems project management and integration including lunar architecture work
Element lead for lunar lander crew module/ascent stage
Lead crew habitation and environmental control and life support subsystems
Subsystem support for ascent stage propulsion, propulsion testing, and project avionics and structures
Lead lunar surface crew habitation, environmental control and life support systems, and human mobility systems
Support lunar surface in-situ resource utilization systems

Kennedy Space Center
Kennedy Space Center, Florida

Support exploration experiments on the International Space Station

Program integration:
Support for safety, reliability and quality assurance; system engineering and integration; and test and evaluation

Ground operations:
Project management and integration
Responsible for achieving all agency ground operations objectives allocated to the launch and landing sites
Lead design, development, test and engineering and logistics activities for all ground processing, launch and recovery systems
Lead ground processing, launch and landing operations planning and execution

Ground processing including ground support equipment; launch operations; and recovery support during design, development, test and engineering
Prime contractor oversight and independent analysis

Ares I:
Ground processing, launch operations, and recovery support during design, development, test and engineering
Lead launch operations planning and execution for Ares I-X and other flight demonstrations

Work announced Oct. 30, 2007:
Support lunar architecture work for Constellation Program system engineer
Ground operations and assembly for Orion Block 1 and Ares I low Earth orbit operations phase
Ares V ground processing, launch operations and recovery support during design, development, test and engineering
Final assembly of and ground processing support for human lunar lander
Lunar surface habitat management and integration
Lead for lunar surface in-situ resource utilization systems
Support surface systems logistics concepts

Langley Research Center
Hampton, Virginia

Exploration Technology Development Program management and integration
Lead structures, mechanisms and materials and supportability projects
Support autonomous landing and hazard avoidance technology project with lead for sensors
Deputy management for radiation protection element

Program integration:
Support for safety, reliability and quality assurance; system engineering and integration; and test and evaluation

Lead launch abort system integration and crew module landing system advanced development
Produce flight test and pathfinder articles for crew module, launch abort system and separation rings
Support aero/aerothermal; guidance, navigation and control; avionics software; and displays and controls
Independent analysis and system engineering and integration support

For Ares I:
Lead aerodynamic characterization of integrated launch vehicle stack, aerodynamic database development, and aeroelasticity test and analysis
Support structural design and analysis; guidance, navigation and control development; flight mechanics and trajectory analyses
Support systems engineering and upper stage design, development, test and engineering
Lead vehicle integration activities and crew module and launch abort simulator design and fabrication for Ares I-X

Work announced Oct. 30, 2007:
Support lunar architecture work for Constellation Program system engineer
Lead Ares V aerodynamics
Support Ares V systems engineering, structures and materials engineering, and payload shroud structures
Build mission operations and simulation capabilities
Subsystem lead for lunar lander structures and mechanisms including ascent and descent stages
Support lunar lander project integration
Support lunar lander and lunar surface systems crew habitation (radiation protection)
Lead lunar surface systems structures and mechanisms including support to habitat, mobility and in-situ resource systems

Marshall Space Flight Center
Huntsville, Alabama

Lunar Precursor Robotic Program management and integration

Program integration:
Support for program planning and control; safety, reliability and quality assurance; system engineering and integration; and test and evaluation

Support launch abort systems and service module
Support abort test booster requirements development and validation

Project office management and vehicle integration for Ares I and Ares V
Ares I first stage development and management and Ares V first stage management
Ares I upper stage design and development
J-2X engine development and management
Manage upper stage production contracts at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility
Lead Ares I-X avionics, roll control system, and first stage modifications
Ares V Earth departure stage development, test and oversight
Core stage development, test and oversight
Core stage (RS-68) engine management

Work announced Oct. 30, 2007:
Support lunar architecture work for Constellation Program system engineer
Element lead for lunar lander descent stage
Subsystem lead for lunar lander descent stage propulsion
Subsystem support for lunar lander ascent stage propulsion, propulsion testing, project avionics, life support, and structures Support project integration
Support lunar surface systems life support, habitat, structures and in-situ resource systems

Michoud Assembly Facility
New Orleans, Louisiana

Manufacturing of Ares I upper stage, Ares V stages, and Orion structure

Stennis Space Center
Stennis Space Center, Mississippi

Program integration:
Support for system engineering and test and evaluation
Ground operations:
Support design, development, test and evaluation of propellant test and delivery systems
Ground engine checkout facility simulation and analysis
Engine and launch facility planning and development

Ares I:
Focused program management and integration for rocket propulsion testing
Lead sea-level development, certification and acceptance testing for flight upper stage assembly, upper stage engine and main propulsion test article including facility modifications and test operations
Lead altitude development and certification testing for upper stage engine

Work announced Oct. 30, 2007:
Lead Ares V liquid rocket systems and stage testing at sea level and altitude
Support lunar lander descent stage propulsion testing

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Alberto Zampieron

Appassionato di spazio da sempre e laureato in ingegneria aerospaziale al Politecnico di Torino, è stato socio fondatore di ISAA. Collabora con Astronautinews sin dalla fondazione e attualmente coordina le attività fra gli articolisti.