Concorso per nuovi astronauti NASA

E' stato bandito un concorso per i nuovi astronauti NASA, la classe sarà quella del 2009 e sarà una classe di primati, la prima dal 2004, la prima a non volare più sullo Shuttle, la prima che utilizzerà i nuovi mezzi del programma Constellation e la prima classe che ospiterà gli astronauti che rimetteranno piede sulla Luna.
Verrà come detto scelta una classe di astronauti che verrà impiegata e addestrata in particolare per i viaggi di lunga durata sulla ISS e per i futuri viaggi lunari.
I requisiti saranno sempre gli stessi delle passate richieste.
La scelta sarà fatta a inizio 2009 e l'addestramento al JSC inizierà nell'estate dello stesso anno.
Questo è il bando:
RELEASE: 07-196
NASA Opens Applications for New Astronaut Class
HOUSTON – NASA is accepting applications for the 2009 Astronaut Candidate Class. Those selected could fly to space for long-duration stays on the International Space Station and missions to the moon.
"We look forward to gathering applications and then being able to select from the largest pool possible," said Ellen Ochoa, NASA's chief of Flight Crew Operations at the Johnson Space Center. "Continuing our impressive record in successfully carrying out challenging human spaceflight missions depends on maintaining a talented and diverse astronaut corps."
To be considered, a bachelor's degree in engineering, science or math and three years of relevant professional experience are required. Typically, successful applicants have significant qualifications in engineering or science, or extensive experience flying high-performance jet aircraft.
Teaching experience, including work at the kindergarten through 12th grade level, is considered qualifying. Educators with the appropriate educational background are encouraged to apply.
After a six-month period of evaluation and interviews, NASA will announce final selections in early 2009. Astronaut candidates will report to Johnson in the summer of 2009 to begin the basic training program to prepare them for future spaceflight assignments.
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